Hey everyone, welcome to the Conversion Heroes community.
Hey everyone, welcome to the Conversion Heroes community. What’s it all about? We’ll be using this community to discuss conversion and everything related to it. Sharing content. And most importantly, we’ll be encouraging discussion, so we can all learn together and make this the best place to come for advice, and how to get more out of our optimization and testing efforts.
So please don’t hold back, let’s kick this off in style and get things started. It’s an open forum, so don’t be shy about chiming in.
Good to have you here Dave
Good to have you here Dave
Good to have you here Dave
Good to have you here Dave
Good to have you here Dave
Good to have you here Dave
Good to have you here Dave
Looking forward to these discussions, Oli Gardner!
Looking forward to these discussions, Oli Gardner!
Looking forward to these discussions, Oli Gardner!
Looking forward to these discussions, Oli Gardner!
Looking forward to these discussions, Oli Gardner!
Looking forward to these discussions, Oli Gardner!
Looking forward to these discussions, Oli Gardner!