Et par gode råd fra Brian Jensen

Originally shared by Brian Jensen

5 Daily To-Dos On Google Plus

Google Plus truly is a social network. Without actively sharing and engaging with other users, the platform can oftentimes feel like a ghost town. 

Get engaged!

Stephan Hovnanian is a great example of a user who has actively engaged and successfully built a notable following on Google Plus. In his latest post on MarketingProfs, Stephan shares his 5 daily to-dos including:

> Share a post of your own.

> Comment on five posts.

> Share two posts from other people.

> Respond to notifications and brand +mentions.

> Network and discover.

By following Stephan’s recipe for success, you’re bound to meet and connect with other users that share similar interests and start growing your own network on Google Plus.


h/t Mack Web Solutions 

Read the full post here: 

Hi, I’m Torben Linnemann Nielsen


  1. Hm. Det var da egentlig ikke et helt dumt system, at starte i, tror jeg. Jeg læste endda selve blogindlægget uden at få knopper eller andre allergiske reaktioner, og det er ellers ikke ofte, det sker med dét emne! Ikke tosset.

    Man er selvfølgelig stadig nødt til at have et vist mål af fingerspidsfornemmelse, pli og sociale kompetencer for at få det til at virke fra scratch – endnu mere som Page end som privatperson, og der er fileme mange, der falder igennem.

    En helt anden diskussion er så, hvad en “notable” circle count er. Det er jo mildt sagt et begreb med en hel del variabler. 🙂

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